What is Coeptis Therapeutics stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on The Nasdaq Global Market under the symbol COEP.

Can I buy stock directly from Coeptis Therapeutics?

No, you will need to contact a licensed stockbroker or use an online trading account.

How can I buy stock in Coeptis Therapeutics?

Through a licensed stockbroker or by using an online trading account.

How do I change the address on my shareholder account?

Through your brokerage account or by contacting our transfer agent.

When did Coeptis Therapeutics become a public company?

Coeptis Therapeutics, Inc. became a public company in late October 2022 through a business combination with Bull Horn Holdings Corp. The combined company, Coeptis Therapeutics Holdings, Inc., now trades on The Nasdaq Global Market under the ticker symbol COEP.

Where is Coeptis Therapeutics located?

105 Bradford Road, Suite 420
Wexford, PA 15090

When does Coeptis Therapeutics’ fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Coeptis Therapeutics’ transfer agent?

Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company

How do I contact Coeptis’ transfer agent?

(800) 509-5586

Who are Coeptis Therapeutics’ independent auditors?

Astra Audit & Advisory, LLC

Who is Coeptis Therapeutics’ legal counsel?

Meister Seelig & Fein LLP

Whom can I contact for general information about Coeptis Therapeutics?
